Ruth Samyuktha

About Me

This page has been in the process for several years, for many of those years, it was just an idea and for the past couple of months, it has finally come into the final stages of production.

This page was produced during a time when life felt unbearable, dull and exhausting. As an enthusiast of literature, writing, and photography, I’ve forged for myself this realm—a sanctuary to create and release into the world what my soul yearns to express. Here, I contribute my verse to the grand play of life and forge myself an ‘old indian cave’ of my own where I and anyone who visits is able to suck the marrow out of life.

So welcome, enjoy and contribute.

The Latest


  • Testing the Rollei 35T

    My experience trying out my dream camera. One of the most compact 35mm camera but one of the most powerful too.


Essays & Articles

  • My twenties have been about forgiving myself.


  • I am a Stump

    a reminder of what I once was and what I could have been

  • 11 Seconds

    11 seconds to offset 1 million others